Ask an Expert: Paul Evseroff, NBCUniversal
October 7, 2020
  1. Identify the realistic expectations the business hopes to get out of the campaign. There are many times where businesses have inflated opinions of what they think they will achieve with a media buy (like huge sales growth in a short period of time) vs. what they will get (such as steady growth over a longer period of time). Spending less or more on advertising doesn’t necessarily equate to more success. You need a commitment over a prolonged period of time to achieve reach and frequency to generate results. For those unfamiliar, reach refers to the number of people seeing or hearing your ad while frequency refers to the number of times a person is exposed to the ad. The right reach and frequency are important for media buying success.

  2. Determine if your message will resonate with the viewer. Advertising is all about your message. You need it to resonate with your audiences to create a perfect buying experience. When your target audiences see and hear your message, you want them to nod their heads in agreement, feel passionate about your product or service and take buying action. Businesses should hone their advertising messaging with specific target audiences in mind.

  3. Don’t advertise based on how YOUR business thinks/feels. . Advertising and marketing are not about the business or the CEO; it’s about the audience. What’s important at the end of the day is how the target audience feels about the advertising and its messaging. Many advertisers care too much about what the business leaders think of the advertising. So, how do you know how an audience feels? You can leverage existing demographic data on your target audiences or dig deeper with research to identify their interests and motivations. And testing ad creative in real-time can identify which version drives more conversions of clicks, calls and sales.

Ask an Expert is an occasional series from Voom CreativeTM to dig a little deeper into various marketing and communication related subjects of interest to our clients. Email us with marketing topics you would like to see addressed!

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